速報APP / 商業 / Business Mobile

Business Mobile



檔案大小:59.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:羅馬尼亞文, 英語

Business Mobile(圖1)-速報App

Nu trebuie sa activezi aplicatia pentru a incerca:

• Tutorialul interactiv

• Harta cu ATM-uri si sucursale UniCredit Bank

• Cursul si convertorul valutar la zi

• Contact cu banca, in cazul in care vrei sa afli detalii direct de la noi

Business Mobile are o navigare intuitiva, cu ajutorul functionalitatilor oferite de iPhone si prin gesturi simple. In plus, foloseste cele mai noi si sigure metode de securitate - transmiterea informatiilor se realizeaza criptat, prin protocolul securizat TLS 1.2 pe 256 biti.

• Vrei sa vezi tranzactiile?

Trebuie doar sa selectezi contul din care au fost facute. Prin swipe stanga vezi sumele intrate, iar prin swipe dreapta, platile.

• Ai de facut o plata?

Pull down, direct din sectiunea Conturi, sau apasa pe logo-ul UniCredit Bank, pentru a accesa meniul Plati. Am creat un Smart Payment Box ca la carte, in care tu doar selectezi contul din care doresti sa faci plata si beneficiarul. Aplicatia e sincronizata cu sabloanele din contul tau de BusinessNet, pe care le vezi in lista de beneficiari.

• Vrei sa platesti facturi de utilitati?

Telekom, Orange, Vodafone, RDS&RCS, Enel Muntenia, ENGIE Romania. Direct prin scanarea facturii, fara alte detalii de completat.

Business Mobile(圖2)-速報App

• Vrei sa vezi toate optiunile aplicatiei?

Apasa pe logo. Simplu.

• Vrei sa stii totul despre cardurile cu care faci business?

Selecteaza cardul dorit si vezi toate tranzactiile realizate cu el, cat si detaliile lui.

• Vrei sa renunti la digipass?

Activeaza Mobile Token. Aplicatia genereaza parole de unica folosinta pentru autentificarea si autorizarea tranzactiilor bancare pe care le realizezi in BusinessNet. Autentificarea in aplicatie se poate face si prin amprenta, daca telefonul permite aceasta optiune. Toate variantele sunt aprobate de oamenii nostri de la securitate.

In plus, pentru clientii persoane fizice am creat Mobile Banking, aplicatia fara costuri de administrare. O poti descarca si incerca gratuit pe acelasi telefon.


You don’t have to activate the app to try:

• Interactive demo

• Map with UniCredit Bank branches and ATMs

• Exchange rate calculator

Business Mobile(圖3)-速報App

• Bank contact, if you want to know more details directly from us

Business Mobile has an intuitive navigation, due to iPhone functionalities and through simple gestures. More, it uses the newest and most safe security methods – information transmission is done coded, through the TLS 1.2 on 256 bytes secure protocol.

• Do you want to see the transactions?

You just have to select the account that was used to do them. You can see the entries swiping left, and the payments, swiping right.

• Do you want to pay?

Pull down, directly from Accounts area, or press on UniCredit Bank logo, to access Payment menu. We have created a Smart Payment Box, where you only have to select the account from which you want to pay and the beneficiary. The app is syncronized with the templates you have created in BusinessNet, available in the beneficiaries list.

• Do you want to pay utility bills?

Telekom, Orange, Vodafone, RDS&RCS, Enel Muntenia, ENGIE Romania. Directly by scanning the bill, without any further details.

• Do you want to see all the available options of the app?

Press on the logo. That simple.

• Do you want to know everything about the cards you use in your daily business?

Select the desired card and see all the transactions done with it, but also its details.

Business Mobile(圖4)-速報App

• Do you want to get rid of the digipass?

Activate Mobile Token. The app generates unique passwords for authentication and authorising banking transactions you create in BusinessNet. The authentication can be done also by Touch ID, if your mobile allows it. All the possibilities have been approved by our security guys.

If you are a private individual seeking for the perfect mobile app, choose Mobile Banking – no administration costs and you can download and try it for free on the same phone.

Business Mobile(圖5)-速報App
